Student Debt In College Essay

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A controversial issue in the society right now is student debt and college tuition. When students are in high school they’re told that schooling including, high school and college is key to success, but they are not aware of the financial aspects of the college schooling. College tuition has tremendously increased from 1980-2016 and the acceptance level for colleges has dropped. Another thing is the employment level of non-graduates and graduates is not as big of difference as they make is seem. If college is the key to success everyone should have access to the same opportunities.

In high school students work and are supposed to be taught how to be prepared for college, but are they really aware of everything? Teachers usually do not prepare students for the financial parts of college. They are told that financial aid can help them for most of their tuition but when they actually get into college and finish it they still have a big amount of debt. 69% of students are in debt with an average of $28,950 in debt. That is an outrageous amount of money to be forced to pay …show more content…

The best colleges in the country like Harvard, Stanford, Yale, and Princeton all have an acceptance level of under 10%. These are the kinds of colleges that cost the most and take the most effort to get in. They’re also the colleges that could help you get a really good job because potential jobs will think well since this person to for example Harvard they must being extremely smart. So students study hard and work extremely hard and either they aren’t accepted are they are but wasn’t aware of how much they would have to pay out of their pocket. For example harvard would still cost about $16,500 per year including the help from financial aid. In my eyes that is a very large debt to have to pay