Student Debt In College Essay

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It is universally acknowledged that money has a huge impact on people's lives especially college graduates who are about to enter the real world. Student debt is a flaming topic among young adults. Recent college students who borrow money through loans and other means have a huge debt when about to graduate which tends to be a massive problem in the year 2017. According to two reports that has been out in 2017, talks about the relationship between student debt crisis and homeownership. As college tuition increases there is a chance for students to buy or not buy a home for themselves.
According to Bloomberg report by Shahien Nasiripour college students has a decline in homeownership because the students are in huge debt from lenders. The decline …show more content…

According to Federal Reserve Bank of New York, there is tremendous increase of student loans from 10 years. There is much more aid policies at most colleges which is accessible to middle class students. Borrowing money has also increased and there is a triple increase compared to a decade ago. College is worth and attending a 4-year would still help in buying a home for college graduates. College students with low income can still afford a home by a certain age. A degree is worth to buy a home according to the article. Even if a student drops out of college there is chances of owning a home. Most students take advantage of government and federal services which helps with some of the burden for college tuition. Most lenders have a little bit stress free payment method that seems to have soothing in the past few years in public universities. There are several public services that help students to take time in paying back their loans. The age focus is being omitted in the article which doesn't help what age group suffers student debt and homeownership problems. The usage of college graduates is more often than focusing on a specific age group for student debt. The word choices have a significant importance in the context such as targeted, chances and relationship that connected the meaning. The comparing strategy used helping in building a story frame mechanism that helped relate the relationship of student debt and

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