Student Programming Population Literature Review

578 Words3 Pages

Student Programming Population: First Year Students

Title: How well do you know about the religions of the world?

Purpose: Students will be able to further their identity and faith development through challenging/strengthening their own faith by learning about different religions in the world.

Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to list the core beliefs and practices of different religions
Students will examine their beliefs in comparison to those of their peers.
Students will be able to demonstrate effective communication and dialogue facilitation skills that can be used to address inter religious conflict and promote interfaith cooperation, engagement, and understanding.

Literature Citation:

Fry, S. (2007). Religious …show more content…

These literatures describe some of the challenges of discussing faith in the classroom and provide examples of how interfaith dialogue can foster identity development. The articles also suggest practical ways for educators to create a safe space for students to have interfaith dialogue for their identity development. The suggestions were especially helpful to create a safe space for students with underrepresented religions.

Preparation/Resources/ Materials:
Faculty will be recruited from the history department to lead a workshop about the core beliefs and practices of different religions in the world (Faculty will not disclose his or her religion in order to create a safe space for students who are religious minorities).
Recruit volunteers who have prior interfaith dialogue training (Training for volunteers will be weeks in advance before the workshop).

First year students are invited to the workshop as an extra credit offered by the first year seminar course.
Student affairs professional will start the workshop with the introduction of different religions in the world and the statistics of student participation in different religious groups on campus from the previous