Stun Gun Essay

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You probably already know that stun guns and other non lethal self defense products have been successfully used for decades by military and law enforcement personnel. Their track record proves it. Because law enforcement resources are limited, police just can 't do it all. The civilian must step up and assume more responsibility for our own self defense. A stun gun like any self defense product is meant to give you time to get away from a dangerous situation. They are not meant to injure or maim-they just won 't/can 't do that. A stun gun has a trigger and usually two metal prongs that sends an electrical charge of volts to the assailant causing disruption in the body 's neurological impulses. This makes the victim lose balance and become …show more content…

Last February Sally was leaving her office complex and was on her way to her car when a man approached from behind and grabbed her around the neck. She had been an avid reader of my stuff and espoused to my philosophy of 'get smart and get a plan '. I frequently 'preach ' about running scenarios of 'what if ' situations as a means to practice. That way when the real thing happens you know what to do reflexively. What a concept-it is called PRACTICE-:} As the assailant was tightening his grip around Sally 's neck to force her to let go of her purse, she reached inside her purse grabbed her stun gun, pressed the on switch and jabbed into the bad guys ribs right thru his heavy sweater. After 4 seconds (it seemed like an eternity to Sally) the bad guy fell to his knees and curled up into a ball. Too bad! Sally went to get help and the rest is history. Normally I advise a verbal warning like "back off" to a potential assailant while holding up a charging stun gun. Sometimes the sight and sound of a charging stun gun has been known to change many a bad guys ' mind. It 's like saying 'you really don 't want a bite of this do you? ' If you are in the market for a self defense product look for quality, effectiveness, and a biggie-LEGALITY. Stun guns and Tasers are not legal in some states. Check with your local police department first