Animation Evolution Essay

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With everything in this world, we always push for some form of evolution. To understand the different types of animators we must know about the different styles of animation. There are currently twenty different styles of animation circulating. There are five top styles that are represented quite frequently; Traditional, 2D vector based, 3D computer, Motion graphics, and Stop motion. Looking anything from video games to animated films you are most likely looking at one of those styles. Taking a look at each style will makes not only the differences clearer but also the evolution of animation clearer. Furthermore, what type of animators there are in the world of animation. Traditional animation, some may refer to as cell animation, is one of the older forms of animation. In it, the animator draws every frame to create the animation sequence. Much like how they used to do it in the older days of Disney. Sequential drawings screened quickly one after another create the illusion of movement. Traditional animation consists of hand drawings called frames. An example of this style would be a flip book, where as you flip through the pages movement or change occurs. In …show more content…

Even when one leg is invisible it is still there. That adds some work for the animator and they need to be aware at all times. Lastly, a main difference with 3D animation is the framerate. Traditional animators usually work on two’s meaning drawing something new every two frames. Having one drawing last for two frames. CGI runs at twenty-four frames per second. With 3D animation however, the motion is always smooth with exception of stylized pieces. A completely stopped character looks like a mistake in 3D. Experts say that even if the character is standing still there should always be some sign of life. This is something 2D animation can get away with much easier than 3D animation. Building upon 3D animation comes motion