Subaru Swot Analysis

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Subaru is an automobile manufacturer headquartered in Japan. It was the 22nd biggest automaker by production worldwide in 2012. This status signifies the huge number of Subaru vehicles that are being manufactured throughout the world and then used for private and commercial purposes at various places. This pride worthy rank is more than enough to justify the huge role that Subaru plays in the dangerous fact of the automotive industry polluting the environment. The serious problem crippling the auto industry is that manufacturing of the various parts is hazardous and puts huge amounts of waste and pollutants into the landfills, thereby polluting the atmosphere. Even though this problem is there from the very beginning of industrialization, it had till the beginning of this century gone unrecognized, or at least had appeared unimportant. However, with the growing concern of global warming and the fact that various governments are working hard to lay out a framework for the climate change, the consumers are getting conscious of the well-being of their environment which …show more content…

It is North America’s largest independent organic cereal company. Having started with its breakfast cereals. Its current portfolio comprises of more than 150 products. It is a triple bottom line social enterprise (i.e. it uses an accounting framework comprising of three parts: social, environmental and financial. The corporation is widely recognized for its incorporation of sustainability in the business practices with the help of various charitable and eco-friendly measures. It is regularly named as one of Canada’s best employers and is also a consistent name among the Canada’s greenest employers. The corporation’s concern for a greener environment and the sustainability measures that it adopts for this purpose can be understood with help of the following