Substance Abuse Case Study Essay

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Substance abuse has no discrimination on who the person’s race, gender, or education level. Many who suffer from a substance abuse does so in private and are able to hide their addiction from other members of society. “A common form of multiple substance use is the combination of alcohol and cocaine” (Brache, Stockwell, & Macdonald, 2012, Pg. 400). In this essay the case of Dave will be discussed in regards to the 12 Core Functions and the 46 Global Criteria which are applicable. To begin with, Dave is a fifty-five year old surgeon has been mandated to seek substance abuse treatment after a malpractice investigation found Dave has been using cocaine, prescription medications, and alcohol. Dave comes from a humble beginnings where his mom was a homemaker and his dad a skilled laborer. While growing up Dave lived at home with both parents and his four brothers and sisters. Dave reports having a …show more content…

Given the current state in which Dave is currently willing to participate in treatment he and his family will receive information on what to do in case of a crisis situation arises and be able to recognize of the warning signs that leads to it. In order to continue Dave and his family members with ongoing education Dave will also receive information on group therapies available that will help support him and his family outside the counselor’s office. These include referring Dave to groups such as the Narcotic Anonymous will help Dave find help for this substance use and Nar-Anon will provide support for his family. Likewise, during the implementation of the treatment plan the counselor will identify any need that cannot be met during counseling so he/she can refer Dave to other agency or community resources available to him in his

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