Nature Of Suffering Essay

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2. The Concept of Suffering in the Sacred Scripture Pope John Paul II says that “Sacred Scripture is a great book about suffering.” In the Scripture we see different kinds of sufferings which exist even in today’s world. What was the idea about suffering expressed in the Scripture? The most predominant understanding for suffering in the Old Testament, as well as in some part of the New Testament (cfr. Jn 9:1-2), is the punishment and consequence for sins. But there are also different ideas about suffering presented, for example Job and the suffering servant in the Book of prophet Isaiah. This shows the development of the concept of suffering within the Old Testament. Yet, this full view of understanding of suffering will be completed in the …show more content…

When Keller talks about the punishment theodicy in his writings says “Beginning of Genesis and concludes that all suffering can be justified because human kind rebelled against God, and the suffering of the world is just our deserved punishment for sin.” The Book of Genesis explains the general character of human suffering. Is suffering really punishment of God or does man himself cause the consequences of his actions on him by rebelling from God? The answer would be man’s rebellion against God is cause of …show more content…

Most particularly the Old Testament presents the suffering of the innocent. In today’s situation, many people ask why I am suffering. Have I done something wrong to suffer like this, or why all these natural disasters take place killing so many people? For all of these questions we could find some kind of answers from these two figures: Job and the suffering servant of Yahweh. Those who endure suffering with humility and hope can recognize the will of God. Suffering is “something to be endured with humility, courage, patience, and hope, while holding firmly to the conviction that God is mysteriously in history having people work through suffering itself as the way of achieving the divine will. In other words, paradoxically, suffering is not a wasted part of the human being but a way of expressing one’s faithfulness to