King David's Daughter: Tamar In The Bible

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Pain is a mind-boggling thing, none of us want to experience, but in life, at some point, we will be delivered a portion of that very unfortunate thing. However, some surrender to it without fulfilling their purpose in life. Some of life’s experiences are heartbreaking, hurtful and even devastating.
The story of King David's daughter, Tamar in the Bible, tells us how she was raped by her half-brother and it left her so devastated that she withdrew from the world. Her hopes of being a wife and mother were lost. She never lived a fulfilling life. She allowed what happened to rob her of the life of which she dreamed.
The women in this book refused to allow life to rob them of what God promised. The stories will either move you to think differently …show more content…

No one really protected her. Truth be told, her own father the king did not protect her. You may have or have had people in your life, to whom you trusted your heart and innocence, and they used and abused you. You felt raped, abandoned or even left to die in your pain, through a desolate life.
This book will give a snapshot into the lives of some women who chose to fight back with faith, determination and the word of God. Following the leading of God's Holy Spirit, they are mothers, wives, business women—even leaders in Ministry. However, most of all they are Daughters of a King, one who loves them and walks with them through life’s traumas and disappointments. This book is to reach you where you are and pull you to another level of desiring to live again and be the best you God created you to be.
I have great anticipation that this book will travel the world through book clubs, book stores, airplanes, doctor offices, Church groups for young and old, as well as the women’s correction facilities. This book offers inspiration, empowerment and seeks to show you how to break chains and the yokes that have held you down long enough. Why? Because the Father wants you to walk as the Daughter of a