Synopsis Of The Movie 'Toussaint Louverture'

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Caribbean used to be a colonized region for too long. They were not capable of understanding the notion of emancipation or freedom because the Europeans controlled any ideas that get into their minds. Basically, they could not do anything as they were forced to be slaves to the colonizers. Fighting back was never an option at first since they lack leadership among themselves. However, they started to learn to educate themselves over the years through observing what the colonizers do and how do they become so strong. This leads to the arrival of a leader among the Caribbean societies; which was Toussaint Louverture, a man full of leadership quality. Eventually, he became the first person to introduce freedom to his people and brought Haiti to achieve independence from the Europeans. Unfortunately, educating themselves without any guidelines as to …show more content…

Despite the hardship, education was not abandon by the community there. They are fortunate enough to be provided with a local school and the fees are also manageable but, the syllabus is a bit peculiar. Instead of learning more about their own country, the students have to learn solely about French, their invaders’ home. This happens because the teachers do not get to choose what to teach to their communities. The Europeans are in charge of what they want the students to know and learning about their country seems to be better for ideologies dispersion purposes. In addition, the movie shows how Jose wants to go to a prestigious school; which the syllabus is no the different than the regular school but, they are taught by the colonizers themselves. Hence, education in Caribbean societies could not really help the people to be truly free from their