Suicide Definition Essay

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To define suicidal we look at
This defines suicide as deeply unhappy or depressed and likely to kill themselves.
Most teens are depressed about their appearance, and this is why they have suicidal thoughts/actions.
She has been suicidal since I can remember.
Being suicidal isn't just feeling like you want to die when something bad happens. it's feeling like even when things are going good, you still think you'd be better off in the ground.
I didn't want to believe that my best friend would potentially be suicidal.
At this point in time,
I'm on the phone listening to her sob uncontrollably, knowing there is nothing I can do about it.
I hear nothing on the other end for a couple seconds then I hear it. A sound that people …show more content…

Four out of Five teens who attempt suicide have given clear warning signs.
This was her warning sign and she got help. She was depressed with all the events that hit her like a brick wall. Some things that can cause depression are: Abuse. Past physical, sexual, or emotional abuse can cause depression later in life.Conflict. Depression may result from personal conflicts or disputes with family members or friends. Low self-esteem, Verbal abuse, A divorce, separation, or breakup of a relationship and Intense emotional pain. ( / Depression and suicide). She was going through most of these. There were personal conflicts and disputes with family members, she has low self-esteem, her parents were going through a divorce, she must broke up with her boyfriend because he keeps cheating on her, and she goes through intense emotional pain everyday, just from dealing with him. As soon as she is about to move on, he then turns suicidal. Drinking and driving, having possession of a firearm when he is in a drunken state, driving recklessly. But in the end it always turns out the …show more content…

You’re watching her fall apart in front of you. Seeing her wake up in the middle of the night just to take a blade and run it up and down her thigh. Having calls at one or two in the morning just to hear her say “ I can’t do this anymore. I want the pain to go away.” Going to her house to find her sprawled in the bathroom floor throwing up the pills she just used to attempt suicide with. She lays there trying not to throw up what she just swallowed. You don’t want to see her like this. So you pick her up and put your fingers down her throat. Knowing that you’re the only reason that she is still alive. After that you hold her as she cries, for hours and hours at a time. She finally ends up talking to you about it. Why she did it, how she feels, and that she is