Suicide Persuasive Speech

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The history of human behaviors can back up the statement of the human kind having a craving for the feeling of being wanted and feeling loved. The human race can’t survive without connections to one another. The connections can include friendships, intimate relationships, work related, school related, and everything in between. So, what happens if someone doesn’t feel like they are wanted or loved? A part of them shuts down. They feel as if they can’t keep living in a world that portrays that it does not need them. Now, have you heard of the suicide hotline? Well, if you haven’t maybe you should check out Logic’s latest musical hit. Bobby Tarantino, otherwise known as Logic, is the artist and rapper of the song “1-800-273-8255” or better known as just “1-800”. Some may argue that this song …show more content…

That’s a toxic feeling because that could be how people really loose the will to live. Logic’s song has debuted within this past year, which is the perfect time because of how much tragedy is going on in the real world. From same sex marriages being legalized slowly throughout the years, the social awareness of mental illnesses, religious, political views, racial controversies, and taboo subjects of disorders and addictions, this song has the underlying message of finding the light at the end of a very clichéd tunnel. That being said the tune takes a twist and by the middle of it the lyrics restore hope and reassurance to the character, or whomever may be listening to the song in real life. “I want you to be alive You don’t gotta die