Summary: Are College Greek Members More Likely To Binge Drinking

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Are college Greek members more than likely to binge drink and use drugs? Ashlei N. Stevens wrote an article in 2011 titled, “Greek Members Are More Likely to Binge Drink and Use Drugs”. Ashlei Stevens is a writer for Spartanburg Herald-Journal, she has also written for the New York Times. According to Ashlei Stevens, binge drinking and drug abuse has become more prevalent throughout the Greek chapter on college campuses. Fraternity and sorority members are at times viewed as lively students known for their keg parties, and a recent study suggest this could be true. Greek members are noticed to drink twice as much while underage and use illegal drugs vs. the average college student (Stevens 2011).
Many students pledge into the system because …show more content…

As well as missing class, 70 percent were Greeks and 33 percent were all other students (Ensor 2014). Not only to the members of sororities and fraternities experience alcohol related consequences, but the leaders of sororities and fraternities suffer from far worse consequences. One study found that 26.9 percent of fraternity leaders have an alcohol-related injury; 82.4 percent of fraternity leaders and 78.7 percent of sorority leaders had had a hangover; 71.3 percent of fraternity leaders and 66.2 percent of sorority leaders became nauseated or vomited; and 53.3 percent of fraternity leaders and 45.6 percent of sorority leaders reported having alcohol-related memory loss (Ensor 2014). It is reported that Greek students are receiving more hours of sleep throughout the night, while non-greek students are receiving less. On average, Greeks obtain eight hours of sleep vs. other students who receive seven (Dement & Vaughan, 1999). An explanation to this discovery is that Greek students recognize their sleep needs and make sleep hygiene a priority, and many Greeks students even just “sleep in” following alcohol and other drug use (Reitman

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