Summary: Child Observation

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A. Corynn is very interested in sitting by the windows and watching the other children play outside. While observing them, she enjoys playing with sensory bottles or looking at blocks. She also enjoys playing with the piano that the children play using their feet. She likes watching it light us as she hears the sounds it makes. B. Most of the time Corynn is a very happy baby. I have now completed 8 weeks of lab and this week was the first time that I had ever seen Corynn be fussy and very upset for longer that the amount of time it takes to make her bottle. Mary said this was due to her first tooth coming in. Normally Corynn is laughing, cooing, and smiling for the entire 3 hours I am in the lab. I placed her as a flexible child on the temperament …show more content…

She is sitting up for long periods of time by herself, will kick and reach towards objects, and shake rattles and bring toys/her hands to her mouth. Corynn gets lots of tummy time and is moved around to different positions often. The explorers class room is kept very open and filled with large open spaces for tummy time and quiet places for the children to relax in this helps to simulate Corynn’s gross motor development. (Wittmer, 2014) D. Physical/Fine Motor Corynn is also hitting milestones for her fine motor development as well. She is beginning to feed herself, twist and explore toys, and is grasping and releasing objects. Corynn is currently just beginning to start self feeding. She can easily hold her own bottle and is starting to feed herself rice crisps at snack time. This is helping her develop her fine motor skills and also her hand-eye coordination. E. Cognitive Many of the cognitive parts of the assessment on LifeCubby were non-applicable because Corynn is so young, but she still has reached a few milestones. Corynn uses all five of her senses to explore her environment. She is also working on her problem solving skills; she is repeating many of her actions and is beginning to make the connection of the environment to her actions. She demonstrates this when she is hungry; she begins to cry out because she wants someone to feed