
Summary Of As Canadian As Possible Under The Circumstances

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All people should know their responsibilities in all things because it will help us to survive in life, it will notice the self-worth as humans and this knowledge will help to create self-esteem. The essay entitled “As Canadian as Possible under the Circumstances” by Linda Hutcheon and in the poem entitled “Shoulders,” by Shane Koyczan have connection by showing knowledge of how to survive in life. The essay shows the double meaning when using irony and how the ironic language helps people to express their thoughts; Especially, it helps us to develop our personalities such as knowing their own rights and responsibilities on earth. The poem did a really good job to connect to the essay by showing how life was so important and telling us what is the true meaning of life in this world. Shoulders’ poem was like an encyclopedia because it was full of learning about the history of life. “As Canadian as Possible under the Circumstances,” describing the history of Canada was really helpful and made a connection to the poem, …show more content…

The author is trying to show how life was created and how important it is. “And for a while, there was not a single thing that the Gods could not explain ”(Koyczan line 14). In the other words, God will never abandon us in any struggle in life. Also, in the essay, “As Canadian as Possible Under the Circumstances”, Canadian show they care about other people by using the proper ironic word and phrases in positive way so they will have a good relationship with other- Canadians and others in general. “Irony has become one way of working within prevailing discourses, while still finding a way to articulate doubts, insecurities, questionings, and perhaps even alternatives”( Hutcheon pg.339). Giving and showing care and its importance to others is the best way to express our thoughts and feelings to them, in a good way, using irony and other proper

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