Summary Of Blink By Malcolm Gladwell

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Blink, a book written by Malcolm Gladwell where he explains the psychology of unconscious thinking. Gladwell tells his readers about how our subconscious mind affects a lot of our actions and behavior. In the book he brings up the idea of “thin slicing” in which a person uses little pieces of information about a person and uses that to form a larger opinion of the person. Further in the book he continues to say that most humans cannot explain how our subconscious mind works, he uses the example of Vic Braden a tennis coach who can predict when a tennis player is going to serve two bad serves in a row. When asked, Braden could not explain how he could predict such a thing and didn’t know how to explain this fact to others. Gladwell covers social and racial biases, and snap decisions by telling real life stories of people. Amadou Diallo was mentioned in the book to explain how snap decisions can have very dangerous consequences, being that he was shot by a police officer in Bronx, NY due to the fact that the officer thought he was carrying a gun. …show more content…

In this section I believe every human can relate to having heard or being involved in their own experience of jumping to conclusions, especially in the world we live in today. The story of Amadou Diallo is a story too familiar in 2016; many people are dying by the hands of cops for being looked at as a threat. If everyone actually stopped and thought before they did something many “accidents” in the world could have been avoided. If police actually took the time to think about the situation they were in they would be able to realize there is no reason to call six or seven back up cars or fire four or five shots into an unarmed human being taking their life and leaving their family