Summary Of Chronicle Of The Narvaez Expedition

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After reading the Chronicle of the Narvaez Expedition, one learns from Alvar Nunez Cabeza De Vaca that their expedition failed and their only hope was to worship their faith in God and all of his powers. Mary Rowlandson describes a poor part of her life in the book Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson. She explains to the reader about her time being captive and how her attitude and outlook changed during that time.
In the book Chronicle of the Narvaez Expedition, Alvar Nunez Cabeza Vaca explains his journey as being the first Spanish explorer who travels across North America. He is writing a letter to the King and explaining their hardships across unknown geographic areas and how some survived the expedition and others did not. Nunez Cabeza De Vaca and his people came across Indians throughout their trip whom they did not get along with because of …show more content…

In the first novel mentioned, Nunez Cabeza De Vaca and his people use their faith in God to get to their final destination. In the second novel, Rowlandson also uses her trust in God to escape while being taken captive by the Indians. Both of these books express in great detail their hatred towards the Indians due to the harsh and miserable ways of torture they were put through. For example, Rowlandson had to watch her children die without being able to do anything about it and also had to watch her family and friends all die around her. The worst thing about that situation was that she had no control over it and could not stop the Indians even when they were killing her own children. Nunez Cabeza De Vaca had to watch some of his men die and they were all attacked by the Indians along their journey. These books are different in a way that Rowlandson lost some of her loved ones while Nunez Cabeza De Vaca lost some of his friends. But, his losses were not as tragic and horrifying to see as Mary