Summary Of Columbus High School Softball Player Killed In Crash

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The article " Columbus High School Softball Player Killed in Crash," by Sarah Fowler, is an article that talks about a young girl that passes away in a one-man car accident. This article gave information saying that the crash occurred on August 27th, around 3:45am. The article states the vehicle collided with a guardrail. 16-year old Taylor Lee Harris, the young girl that died, was not the only one in the car when the accident happened. Another young girl by the name of Keayra Hughes, was riding along with Taylor, but was not announced dead. Keayra had to go into the hospital, immediately, and was put into Intensive Therapy Unit (ICU). The sources that was used for this is article, were very much valid. The author's tone was serious, which …show more content…

She was only a teenager that had so much more in life that could have been done in her future, if she did not make this one carless mistake. Not only was she out at an indecent hour, but also Taylor was under the influence of alcohol while driving. Since she was under the influence, there was no telling the speed in which she was driving. She could have been going 80 miles per hour in a 40 mile per hour area. As well as it being dangerous to drink and drive, drinking and driving is also, a crime. This exact thing that happened to this young girl is a very fine example of why drinking and driving is against the law. Statistics say that everyday about 40 people die, and about 700 people are injured from drunk driving. This issue also shows how much driving is liability on the driver. Being the diver of the car, Taylor is somewhat liable for what happened to her friend Keayra. Many teenagers do not take driving as serious as is it should be taken. Some believe that driving is "cool" and all fun and games, but when things like this happen it should show them that driving is very much serious. I am not saying that what happened to her was not sad, or that I do not care about what happened to her because my heart goes out to the loved ones of Taylor and …show more content…

Not leaving as in literally leaving out of the door, but leaving the face of earth. Taylor is actually someone I had the honor to meet once. The first and last impression I got from her was sweet, loving, fun, and beautiful. Just as well as it was her in that terrible, sad accident; that could have been my best friend, my sister, one of my classmates. This showed me that I should be nice to everyone and cherish the time I have with people because there is no telling what could happen to someone. It also opened my eyes by teaching me to always make good decisions. I chose this article because I feel as if it will have an impact on others' lives like it had on mine. I am very sorry for what happened to this young girl, and I pray that her family and friends will all make it through this rough