
Summary Of Cowspiracy

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The film documentary of Cowspiracy really created an eye-opener for me while viewing because it reminds me of what I eat everyday. These are common foods that we consume on a daily basis which also affects our life on planet Earth. We live in a world where we think that we are living a healthy and sustainable life, but we are not.The film-maker (Kip Andersen) mentioned that we were living in an industrial age and now we are living in an information age. When we look at our plate, it (plate) represents the planet and whatever food we put on our plate, is it destroying the planet or is it conserving the environment that we are living in? The question that comes into my mind while watching this documentary film is, are we living a sustainable …show more content…

According to John McDonagh, the author mentioned that ‘our understanding of changing land use, ownership practices and exploitation of rural resources, ultimately determines how poverty, hunger, population growth and environmental issues are addressed (McDonagh 2014, pg. 838). I felt uncomfortable while viewing the data provided which clearly shows that most common food we consume daily is affecting our environment globally. I was stunned by the figures shown on the film and at the same time, having this deep thought about our environment, that almost half of the world is now covered with animal products being harvested for consumption. Looking at how the Earth’s population have grown at a faster rate for the past decades, we know for sure that we will need a lot of land as it is a basic necessity of life. However, I felt disheartened that this is not the practice in some countries because people have been forcibly displaced from their own land. It is sad to note that state government uses its authority and power to develop that land for dairy farming or multinational corporations to set up their factories for animal production.With the problems we facing now in our environment due to animal agriculture, it is best that we think deeply about the way it has affected our health, especially our consumption rate.The best solution is to be more conscious and vigilant with our natural resources. As human beings, our health is very important, therefore, we need to be aware of where these animal products are coming from, how are they treated in the factory and what kinds of by-products are being used in the production process.We feel

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