
Summary Of Elizabeth Wein's Code Name

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Elizabeth Wein’s historical fiction novel, Code Name Verity, follows the story of Maddie, a British pilot, and Julie, a British spy captured by the Nazis, during World War II. After Maddie and Julie’s plane crashes down in Nazi-occupied France, both girls are distraught. The girls end up separating and neither one knows the whereabouts of the other. Soontherafter, Julie is captured by Captain Von Linden and Maddie is stranded alone in France. While in captivity, Julie begins to write letters to the Nazis, revealing details of the British’s war efforts to stay alive. Through these details, Julie tells the story of how her and Maddie met and instantly bonded and became friends. Additionally, Maddie begins to write journal entries in her pilots journal to reflect on her and Julie’s friendship with one another. Throughout the novel, the readers learn more about Maddie and Julie’s relationship and how it lead to where they are now. At first, the novel appears as an ordinary historical fiction, but to keep the novel engaging, Wein …show more content…

When reminiscing on her and Julie’s time together, Maddie exclaims, “I understand now why her mother plays Mrs. Darling and leaves the windows open in her children’s bedrooms” (Wein 227), underscoring how the war has made both Maddie and Julie scared to be alone. Both girls want the war to be over, want to live their lives, but frequently have to stray away from their childhood and become adults. However, sometimes it is hard to be the adult and not watch over your friends all the time, but through Peter Pan, Wein demonstrates Maddie and Julie’s growing sense of maturity. By using a story most readers are familiar with, Wein adds a layer of emotion to the novel and the readers further understand the girls’ struggles of growing-up and developing

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