Summary Of Empire Of Illusion By Chris Hedges

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As one sits in a theater watching and listening to the performance, many thought come about. One tries to reach the conclusion before it is revealed and is thus given a sense of accomplishment when they are able to. Creators strive to create deception in their pieces as audiences love a challenge. Chris Hedges highlights this in, “Empire of Illusion”. That empire is built on artifice. Artifice is in place to directly counter those thoughts as it purposely tries to trick the audience's mind. If this were not fully developed the observer would become bored and eventually take their curious mind somewhere else as they have mastered what was before them. Keeping that attention and curiosity is what sets greats apart from amateurs and thus making artifice the most essential part of successful piece. …show more content…

Often filled with distractions and traps the author purposely sets to distract and deceive the audience to prolong the story. Many times those pieces of information will lead to a plot twist to keep the person on their toes and curious about what is about to happen. Plot twists and meant to happen at random and literally twist the plot in a completely opposite direction from where it was thought to have been going. Allowing the other author to not only be able to keep them on their feet but also again prolong the story. Mastering the art of a plot twist can be tricky in itself as an audience will often find too many irritating and unrealistic and become bored. Any author can use artifice to throw an audience of the sent but only the masters can do it just the right amount to keep them