
Summary Of Ender's Game By Orson Scott Card

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Enders Game Orson Scott Card Placing one in a difficult position may emerge their negative side in contrast to an sympathetic personality prior to a stressful position. In Enders Game by Orson Scott Card, Ender Wiggin’s placement in Battle School brings pressure and loneliness and leads his negative qualities to become apparent. Although Ender attempts to not let the antipathetic traits to show, they ultimately are evident through his actions, thoughts, and speech. Negative traits are often displayed through ones actions when in a difficult circumstance. The protagonist Andrew Wiggin, known as Ender, is the third child in a society following a two child per family policy. He is close with his compassionate sister Valentine and is fearful of …show more content…

During the shuttle launch trip to the Battle School Ender tells himself “I am not a killer…I am not Peter…I was patient” (Card, 65). When Ender is singled out by the officer as being the only intelligent one, a invidious statement, another boy hits Ender on his head multiple instances. Through his willingness to not become like his ruthless sibling, Peter, it is apparent that Ender portrays positive traits, such as equanimity, for he was determined to convince himself to not injure the other children. In the stress free atmosphere of the trip, it is apparent that his positive qualities present through his thoughts of keeping calm. Keeping calm allowed him to be patient and remain caring. Later when he is attacked in the Battle School by one of the other boys named Bonzo, he beats his adversary into unconsciousness he thinks “Peter had been right, always right; the power to cause pain is the only power that matters” (Card, 251). When faced with the predicament of Bonzo threatening to attack him Ender makes the decision to take ruthless actions and attack him even after he was able to prevail. The position of commander led Bonzo to attack him in jealously, while the stress had made Ender give in to violence. As protrayed his thoughts following the fight it is shown that the negative qualities have emerged in Ender, for the thoughts support holding the power of pain. By …show more content…

After the stress of the battle with Bonzo fades from Ender he states ”No game is worth Bonzo’s blood pinking the water on the bathroom floor” (Card, 253). Although Ender revealed ruthless thoughts, during the fight, after the stress and adrenaline held during the battle is gone, and he does not have to uphold his reputation, it is shown that Ender did not want to injure him. Through his statement it is evident that Ender without stress apparent still withholds the positive qualities of compassion prior to battle school, for he regretted injuring Bonzo. Card implies through the statement made by Ender that when the stress is removed from the situation the sympathetic personality may emerge because Ender was sorry for his acts. Furthur in the novel, when Ender is allowed to return to earth for a portion of time and meet his sister he states “ I destroy them. I make it impossible for them to ever hurt me again. I grind them and grind them until they don’t exist” (Card, 279). Ender begins to recapitulate his actions during his colloquial conversation with his sister Valentine his ruthless ways formulated in the battle school. His statement describes him taking murderous actions and wanting to decimate his enemies. Through his statement it his evident that the battle school has formed him into a killer, for he states he attacks them until they don’t exist, implying

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