
Summary Of Everywhere Is A Shadow Of Death By Ann Carson

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In her reading Carson develops her position on chemicals use by employing imagery. Her examples serve to contemplate the readers by providing the negative influences of chemicals such as “ Everywhere was a shadow of death” (2). Carson’s diction in the phrase provides an example of imaginary by conveying his message through the disaster of animals dying due to the chemicals being released. However, the author also demonstrates the consequences of the chemicals to human beings by stating that “ doctors had become more and more puzzled by new kinds of sickness appearing among their patients” (2) The recent appearances of new diseases occur in the same time of recently used of 200 new chemicals that were used to kill insects, weeds, and rodents. Thus, allowing the people to use such …show more content…

Which the author provides the pros and cons of using the chemicals. Which the pros is to use them when there are “disease carrying insects” because of the crowded cities especially in the slums areas. Where sanitation is naturally low due to the “ natural disaster or war” during this time leaving many people in poverty as well as deprive of resources. Thus, allowing Carson to express the need of the chemicals due to the unhealthy lifestyle in the slums areas of the city. Whereas Carson also expresses the cons of using the chemicals when there are a massive usage of chemicals in the area. As a result, the chemicals “ had only limited success” due to the insects evolving their immune systems. As well as damaging the living space of many people by exposing the chemicals into the air. Thus, contaminating the same air the people’s breathes as well as the water supplies that many organisms depend on. Therefore, allowing Carson to express the need to find an alternate route to protect the future generation’s

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