Anita Selzer’s I am Sasha novel is written about a young boy named Sasha who lived in Poland during World War 2. This story is based around a single mother and son trying to escape the horrors that Nazi Germany were inflicting on them. With escaping Poland almost impossible, many people were left no choice but to remain in Poland, hiding from the dangers of Nazi Germany. Sasha and his mother, Larissa never gave up and had to sacrifice many things to stay alive. The duo showed many great qualities during war time and to escape Poland they had to use them .Despite the horrors Nazi Germany imposed, Larissa and Sasha found sympathy and empathy being given and received by Jews during the sad time of war. This was shown in the text - when doctors helped Jews that were sick and couldn’t seek help from others, when fake I.D.s were bought by Jews so they could give them to children and others less fortunate, when members of the public stood up for other Jewish people that refused to go into the ghetto. …show more content…
This was shown in the book when Sasha went to the doctor with Larissa. The doctor was unable to help because of the laws that the Nazi’s made. One of the laws was doctors and other people could not help Jewish people at all. Although the doctor knew about the law, it did not stop him from treating Sasha. Selzer included this because it shows the selflessness of others and how people can help others with no reward or praise. Compassion was shown here because of how people like the doctor are risking their lives for