What Does Sasha Have The Greatest Impact On The Story?

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Sasha has the greatest impact on the narrative because he is dubious and greedy. He was shown as suspicious when “Sasha Uskov had cashed at one of the banks a false promissory note” (Chekhov par. 3). By cashing the false promissory note, it created the central conflict in the story and expressed to the reader that Sasha is problematic. Also, another reason why Sasha has the greatest impact on the story is the fact that he is greedy. Sasha is greedy and demanding when he told his uncle to “lend me a hundred roubles” (Chekhov par. 35) for an upcoming party instead of working to pay off the false promissory note. That helped keep the reader intrigued even towards the end of the story and his action altered the story’s ending. On the other hand,