Summary Of Is Google Making USupid By Nicholas Carr

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Is technology withdrawing the human ability to think deeply? Many people have debated this topic, as the internet is used by a great deal of people. Nevertheless, there is no simple answer to this question as the effects of technology depend on the user's intent. In Nicholas Carr’s article: “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” he argues that technology prevents humans from deep contemplation, as many people have developed a lack of concentration and overdependence on the internet. In contrast, in Clive Thompson’s article: “Smarter Than You Think: How Technology is Changing Our Minds for the Better”, he asserts that technology enhances intelligence as individuals can collaborate with technology and immediately access any information needed. While technology …show more content…

Although technology brings intellectual progress, when the internet’s assets are abused, technology can be harmful. Carr points out that the overconsumption of technology has the potential to lead users down rabbit holes on the internet, constantly distracting them with information that may not be relevant to what they were initially searching for. Carr admits that he is usually “foraging in the Web’s info-thickets’ reading and writing e-mails, scanning headlines and blog posts, watching videos and listening to podcasts, or just tripping from link to link to link”, removing his attention from important information (Carr). Great distractions are not the only result of overindulgence on the internet, but it can also lead to over-reliance on technology as “chess master Christoph Natsidis was caught illicitly using a mobile phone during a regular human-to-human match” (Thompson). Natsidis would go for long visits to the bathroom during intense moments, causing “the referee [to become] suspicious, [and he] discovered Natsidis entering moves into a piece of chess software on his smartphone”