Summary Of Is It Dangerous For Celebrities To Talk About Anorexia

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Today, people are consumed in the way they look. They strive to be “thinner” and “prettier”, putting tons of stress on society. The way someone looks is over emphasised and can cause insecurities ensuing health issues. Women and some men become obsessed with their weight and, as a result, stop eating at all or regurgitating their food. This causes the breakdown of fat, but also muscle and eventually organ tissue. This is known as an eating disorder. People starve themselves to the point of death. In the article “Is It Dangerous for Celebrities to Talk About Anorexia?”, celebrity eating disorder disclosures and how they relate to the growing knowledge of pro eating disorder websites is discussed. A study shows that when high profile, Lady Gaga, announced her eating disorder, pro-ana websites were searched 52% more then before her announcement. Also, after the movie “To The Bone”, a story about Lily …show more content…

Although celebrity disclosures are often beneficial and can motivate people with eating disorders to find help, it can also cause some to use the celebrities as inspiration when they were at their thinnest. Also, many bulimics and anorexics believe it isn’t a large issue. They believe that watching their calories and restraining themselves is good and can not see the harm it is causing or believe the health risks aren’t that severe. Many people believe being anorexic or bulimic is a way to search for attention, where it is actually much more complicated. They may be searching for envy from others. While nobody wants to be more depressed or more anorexic, people with eating disorders look for envy when people may emphasize how difficult it is or how dangerous. Not only those forms of envy, but also how much control they have over their diets. These websites need to be reduced as much as possible and they may start by decreasing the amount of famous public