
Summary Of Latina Theology And Asian American Theology

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The two theologies of liberation that I have chosen to analyze and compare to Paulo Freire’s theories as described in Pedagogy of the Oppressed are, Latina Theology and Asian American Theology. To begin with, Latina Theology is primarily focused on Latina women in the United States and their own lived experiences, their culture, and the history of Latinas in this country. It is important to note however that Latina Women still face far more oppression from the Anglo community and other groups compared to Latino men simply because they are women. And to make things a tad more tougher for them, the fact that machismo has always been such a strong and prevalent part of the Latino culture doesn’t help either. Latinas face oppression from Latinos …show more content…

In addition, during some of these events, CAUSA also preforms the role of banking information by speaking to its audiences about some of the new laws and proposals at the state and national level that could affect their audience, for example, this past immigrant action day the main topic of discussion that CAUSA was banking to their audience was the in regards to DACA and DAPA and where it currently stood and what its potential was to actually be brought forward to a …show more content…

CAUSA no longer provides additional resources like, legal help, like they had in the past, but what they do is provide the phone numbers and contact information of some lawyers, doctors, and other organizations that the Salem-Keizer community could reach out to in case they need more in depth help on a particular case or issue. Through out my time volunteering out CAUSA this semester I had the privilege to actually be part of the process and help empower the oppressed as I compiled a list of a lot of lawyers, doctors, churches, and other organizations through out the state that have committed themselves to helping serve the Latino and Hispanic community with their contact information as well as a link to their websites so that it could all be in one document and easier to hand out to people whenever they asked for it. CAUSA provides these resources and connections for its community, its followers, and its team with the opportunity to find solidarity in other areas and locations of the state, areas in which they can find mutual support and the agreement to fight for a bigger and better cause. These people aren’t here to steal jobs or whatever else society says about them, they’re here to work hard and make an honest living because for some reason or another they might not have the same opportunity back home; so everyone in CAUSA and

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