Summary Of Lost To The West The Forgotten Byzantine Empire That Saved Western Civilization

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The history book Lost to the West: The Forgotten Byzantine Empire That Rescued Western Civilization by Lars Brownworth is about the Roman Empire from the time it was created to the time it fell. This book includes the main and important people and events that make up the history of the Roman empire. In the book Lars wrote “ This book is my small attempt to redress that situation, to give voice to a people who have remained voiceless far too long. It’s intended to whet the appetite, to expose the reader to the vast sweep of Byzantine history, and to put flesh and sinew on their understanding of the East and the West” (p. xviii). The author states that the purpose of the book is to expose the reader to Byzantine history, to give the reader a …show more content…

The Eastern Empire was governed in Byzantium known as the Byzantine Empire and the Western Empire was governed in Rome known as the Holy Roman Empire. In Lost to the West, Lars develops two thesis statements throughout the book. The first thesis is how the Byzantine Empire saved western civilization from invaders and other tribes that try to take over Europe. In the book it says “ Western civilization, however, owes an incalculable debt to the scorned city on the Bosporus. For more than a millennium, its capital stood, the great bastion of the East protecting a nascent, chaotic Europe, as one after another would-be world conqueror foundered against its walls” …show more content…

In the book lars wote about how he decided to us Latin names intead of Greek names and that his book is not extreamly detailed because to cover that extent of history he would a volume to write it. His paragragh structure has important facts inside the the paragraphs not just at the begginnig and end like most history books. The book itself was a difficult read becasue there were some challengeing words that made it difficult to understand gthe meaning of the text. There was no wit or smart comemts what so ever in the book just facts told in a story type form. There were supporting materials in the book that can help the reader understand and picture what the author is describing. Like it has maps of Constantinople and other maps that can be found using the Guide to maps that Lars put into the book. There are footnotes at the bottom of msot pages that will further describe and explain a person and event. Located in the front of the book there is a Table of Content that has all the chapters in the book and all the other things the author wrote in the book like the Note to Reader, Guided Maps, Intorduction, Prologue, and