Summary Of Marbury Vs Monroe Case

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Response #4 Many say that the Marbury vs. Madison case of 1803 one of the most important cases in the history of the Supreme Court. What started out as a minor dispute about jobs, turned into a legal decision that has resonated throughout history. In the 1803 Marbury vs. Madison case, the U.S. Supreme Court asserted its power to review acts of Congress and invalidate those that conflict with the Constitution. This case established judicial review in the U.S. Supreme Court. Judicial review allows federal judiciary to review laws that have been passed by Congress and the president. This also gives the federal judiciary the power to overturn laws that violate the Constitution.
In the last days of his presidency, John Adams, had nominated forty-two …show more content…

“The original jurisdiction provides for any written provisions regarding such practice, and if Congress were to change those Constitutional provisions, it would become an issue of deciding which of the two has more power” ( Marbury argued that the Constitution was only intended to set the groundwork for original jurisdiction that Congress could add to. Chief Justice Marshall disagreed and believed that Congress does not have the power to change the Supreme Courts original jurisdiction. During this process, Marshall established judicial review. On February 24, 1803, the Court came to a unanimous (4-0) decision. The Court’s decision declared that Marbury had a legal right to his commission. They also declared that Jefferson violated the law by having Marbury’s commission …show more content…

Madison case is important because if it wasn’t for this case and the outcome of it, then we would not have the organization of the Supreme Court today. Judicial review is one of the most important outcomes of the Marbury vs Madison case. It would give the judicial branch the ability to review the practices of both the Executive and Legislative branches as well as declaring laws unconstitutional. The decision in this case expanded the power of the Supreme Court. By having the power to judicial review, the Supreme Court would be able to review the acts of Congress as constitutional or otherwise invalidate any actions by Congress seen as unconstitutional. This case was the first major case brought upon the Supreme Court. It was also the first case where making judgements on the government was necessary. The Marbury vs. Madison case also strengthened the use of checks and balances in the United States government. This was important because it gave the judicial branch the opportunity to check on the actions of the legislative branch. This was established so that each branch of government had equal power, so power could not be abused. Our Founding Fathers expected the branches of government to act as checks and balances to one another. In the end, the historic case of Marbury vs. Madison accomplished that which set the precedent for numerous decisions throughout