Summary Of Mind Over Mass Media By Nicholas Carr

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Twitter, Facebook, Google, all things that we see as everyday “necessities.” Most of us believe that the internet is a great asset, however, it could be making us dumber by the minute. Steven Pinker believes that this is just a joke, that the internet helps us gain knowledge, not become less intelligent as he illustrates in, “Mind over Mass Media.” Where, as Nicholas Carr believes that the internet drops our intellectual capacity. Both Pinker and Carr go in depth on their outlook of the internet, touching on how it affects our IQ’s, how it alters our attention span and distracts us, while having a completely different tone throughout the their essays. Over the years the human race has panicked with the introduction of certain technology, thinking it will disrupt balance but does the internet really bring own our IQ? People need reality checks according to Steven Pinker as he goes on to state that when people were concerned about comic books, juvenile crime rates dropped, then in the 90s when video games took off, it coincided with the crime decline in America. Look deeper into reality, every decade that televisions, transistor radios, and …show more content…

He does not hesitate to get his points across to the reader. When Carr is talking about the reasons the internet is affecting us in negative ways, he uses much more examples and talks more about experiments that back up his case. However, Steven Pinker is much more lax towards the subject. In “Mind Over Mass Media”, he does not use as many resources as Carr but he still has many valid points. When Pinker is explaining how the internet is not changing our attention spans he starts to have a serious tone. Pinker is all for the internet and believes it is helping us day by day. He does not think it is affecting us negatively and thinks that it is a joke that people believe it is making us