Summary Of Ms. Trunchbull's 'Jaws'

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Thirdly, to emphasise on Ms Trunchbull’s evil personality even more, Danny DeVito casts a variety non-diegetic and diegetic sounds. In most scenes she is in there are either eerie, suspenseful or ‘Jaws’ like music. The eerie music casts a spooky effect on the scene which makes her seem horrific. During scenes where she is about to frighten another character, suspenseful music is used as if she is coming to attack like the shark off of ‘Jaws’. These sounds are non – diegetic as the purpose of them are to get a set a tense and haunting mood on the audience per situation. Though diegetic are sounds are most definitely used in scenes Ms Trunchbulls in, for example, when she jumps down from the second level of her house to the first level, the thud