
Summary Of No Fear Shakespeare By Rikita Tyson

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Rikita Tyson uses Ethos, Pathos, and Logos effectively in her argument of No Fear Shakespeare. Rikita is very passionate about how detrimental the the fear of the Shakespeare is that our culture has created. She describes how the translation absolutely destroys the true effect that the original verbiage chosen by shakespeare has on its audience. Rikita effectively uses Pathos in her argument for a lot of reasons. Her use of Pathos is very evident in the way she writes this article. She makes it very apparent that the use of the No Fear Shakespeare and others like it are only detrimental to observation of the true meaning of the Shakespeare text. Rakitia describes how students shouldn't fear the Shakespeare writing just because that is what our culture has developed as the norm. Rakitia believes most of the misunderstandment of the Shakespeare text is the simple pace at which students are used to retaining what we read. Instead of taking the time to actually dissect what the text is saying, students would rather turn to the translation to save time, …show more content…

She helps the reader really understand the logic of her argument. She goes into a great detail of describing how the Shakespeare text shouldn't be feared just because it is difficult to read. Rikitia illustrates how she understands how students are not used to using old english and understanding it in everyday language. She goes on to describe how most of the confusion is just from the sheer amount of grammar usages that are unknown to the students these days. Rikitia believes the awful translations can be avoided by very simple additions to the text such as footnotes and explanations of the different words and their meanings. She believes this is a much better way than understanding the text through translations because the translations are weak. The english used today simply does not carry the emotional meaning that the english used to write shakespeare’s pieces

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