
Summary Of On The Pitfalls Of Perfectionism

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Hara Marano's article "On the Pitfalls of Perfectionism" discusses the disadvantages of striving for perfection in all aspects of life, which can lead to feelings of anxiety and unhappiness. Marano suggests that focusing on one's own development and growth instead of perfection is a better method. Embracing mistakes and failings as part of the learning process, she advises, and recognizing that it is okay to make mistakes and not do them perfectly every time. Further to that, Marano suggests that rather than concentrating strictly on the final outcome, it really is crucial to focus on the process of striving for improved performance. This will help to reduce feelings of anxiety and disappointment while also encouraging a healthier approach …show more content…

Students often work for the teacher rather than for themselves. Bain points out on his book “what the best college student do” that some of these students do “assignments” and meet “requirement” rather tan pursue goals,(bain pg 83-84) Perfectionists seem to be hardly ever happy, as well as any happiness they do experience is usually momentary. High achievers apply themselves (as well as those around them) to severe, ongoing pressure. Which is neither pretty nor enjoyable. And what ever happens, no matter how well something turns out, perfectionists are conscious that the situation could have played out more flawlessly. Also Overachievers are fully conscious of how much better they could have accomplished in just about any situation. Be aware that perfectionists frequently criticize those around them. Perfectionists, on the other hand, set high standards for themselves, but when they fail, they are disappointed in themselves, lowering their self-esteem. Maladaptive perfectionists judge themselves harshly when they fail to meet unrealistic goals they set for …show more content…

The pressure to succeed, fit in, and meet the expectations of others can be daunting. However, it is important to note that self-esteem can be developed and maintained. In his article “The Importance of Self-Esteem for College Students,” Marano provides a comprehensive discussion on how college students can enhance their self-esteem. One of the first steps towards improving self-esteem is to identify and challenge negative self-talk. As Marino explains, “Negative self-talk is incredibly damaging to our self-esteem” (Marino. This involves recognizing when negative self-talk is occurring and challenging those thoughts with positive affirmations. For example, instead of saying “I’m not good enough,” one can replace that thought with “I am capable and deserving of success.” This shift in perspective can have a profound impact on a student’s self-esteem. Another way to improve self-esteem is to cultivate a sense of purpose and meaning. This can be achieved through setting goals, pursuing passions, and finding a sense of

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