Summary Of Peace Like A River

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In Peace Like a River by Leif Enger, Davy, Reuben Land’s older brother, runs away after killing two people. Based on Davy’s decision and personality, I believe that his family has never truly known him and he has a darker side that no one noticed. Reuben and his family always believed that they knew exactly who Davy was, however, it becomes apparent in the novel that he is not who anyone thought he was. For instance, Reuben has always known Davy to be in charge of himself, and to play by his own rules. It comes as a surprise to Reuben when he sees that Jape Waltzer is in charge of Davy now because he had “never before heard Davy speak about someone else as though that person and not he himself were in charge” (226). Another example of Davy’s