Summary Of Quote 2 By Morton Bahr

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In Quote 2, Morton Bahr speaks of the role that unions have played in shaping the America that we know today. He references government programs and regulations that have helped America’s entire working class. I believe that the benefit that the labor movement has provided for workers is that it has brought us closer to being able to realize our potential as full human beings, rather than solely suppliers of labor for capitalists. I agree with Bahr that union members need to return in our thinking to that of previous eras when many of the gains now taken for granted were made. I would go further to say that specifically we need to fight with the goal of ensuring that all workers can fully experience our humanity. Bahr mentions that unions …show more content…

Their financial compensation restricted them from living a life beyond providing labor, examples of which being deepening family relationships, engaging in leisure activities, and learning new skills. The labor movement was able to secure a 40-hour work week, bringing workers closer to full human realization. Today, with greater potential for workplace automation, union members could focus our efforts on shortening the work week further, so that we may grow in other areas of our …show more content…

They could have focused solely on demanding private retirement programs from their own employers, but instead they were able to attain a universal program administered by the government. However, as this program is limited, it is necessary for union workers to continue the effort of our predecessors and demand a program that truly ensures all American workers are provided for upon retirement. Many non-union workers do not receive pensions from their employers and do not have 401k accounts. I believe that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to survive on Social Security