Summary Of Rhetorical Analysis And Reaction Of Richard Lederer

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Rhetorical Analysis and Reaction of Richard Lederer
Every people in nation has their own accent and pronunciation. It depends on their location in the USA, “Western and South”. Richard Lederer was the author in the “USA Today” magazine, has been a lifelong student of language and taught for twenty-seven years at St. Paul’s school in Concord. Lederer received bachelor degree from three colleges “Haverford colleges, Harvard University, and University of New Hampshire”. Furthermore, “USA Today” magazine was published in July, 2009. He discusses using a multiple example, regional dialects or speech communities and how they differ one from another in vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar. In the article, Lederer utilized strategies to effectively …show more content…

He travels in several region and he listen to the accents, pronunciation they use it disappearing little by little. He says, “one of my purpose was to listen, to hear speech, accent, speech rhythms, overtones and emphasis. For the speech is so much more than word and sentences. I listen everywhere. it seemed to me that regional speech is in the process of disappearing, not gone but going (154). Try to keep our own accent from a new language, keep speaking own language, and remember the way your speech of the own language, even we outside the world, we learning new language and the way we communication each other in new world, don’t forget your own speech, accent and pronunciation. As part of the comprehensive argument, Lederer try to support and understanding the speech in different regions and make a connection with his experience and share to the world to know the language is not going but …show more content…

Richard Lederer in the essay was interesting, when he like to travel around the country to observation of different language, pronunciation, and accent in that region. He using his multiple example in his essay to give us to reader how hard to new learn their accent, pronunciation. And also the quote is interesting, the quote, he used to useful and try to remind the reader to think you own language, be proud of your own language. He argument also strong passion of his own language he speaks do not try to change your language into of English that nobody really speaks and to support the accent from the another region by saying “the speech is the processing disappear not going, but gone”. I think that make me bored was the word “food”, all of his article talk too much about the different word but the same meaning. Just explain into one paragraph or two paragraph, not all article. He still explains the everything again and again. In the class, professor talk the about the accent with Western Kentucky and South Kentucky. The sound from the western Kentucky is faster than the South