Summary Of Rodef Shalom '

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Questions from max’s notes Unit 2 Rodef Shalom Notes: This story written in Babylonian Talmud oral law Babylonian written in Babylon other talmud jerusalem talmud 3) Jews were deported from Babylon, in jerusalem wrote 1 talmud, in babelon, wrote other 2. story about man who having party, ask servant to bring Kamza, servant bring Bar Kamza accidentally (enemy) maybe bc bk wants friends remember: in middle of party servent get BK, BK must have thought he was REALLY wanted bc of urgency mabey man wants to make mends 2. BK → party, tries to convince man to let stay, has to hurry, (dress nicely while coming to party, schleps there), probably will see friends (embarrassing to leave SOO early) -BK says he pay 4 what eats -Man refuses WHY??? …show more content…

Ms. Bloom Theory Saten literary foil (opposite of another character) meant to be opp of rodef shalom (RM) tries to make conflit RM trying to make peace Saten there to be the bad inclination to blame others called “yotzer harah” in hebrew. evil inclination yetzer hatov is good inclination literary foil for yotzer harah can still coexist with literary foil. 10/19 Another R Meir story story When RM see one man go to open road he say go in peace, master of death (stay on right path bc none to guide u), least preferred wants to create scenarios like aaron story when greets person w/ YH, persuades not to do sin least preferred there might be only yotzer harah with no YS to help u WHY Theory form Aiden he think bc alone they die sad When see 2 he say peace be with master of strife aka keep in peace bc no mediator, no 3rd party Josh: They may fight bc 2 ppl want to make scenario like RM mediating in house w/ satan in it when 3 he call masters of peace means continue on right path of peace bc there’s a mediator, so 2 person conflict can be resolved My theory: (AKA “Keep it up!!”) (AKA “You know how to do this, you are capable of maintaining …show more content…

Answers question with: we intervene w/ whoever fighting -- most wouldn’t help if spouses, they use their gift with words to help Rashi (at same time as rabbenu c…...) says: you will go to heaven if u help others (be a Rodef Shalom), asks: how did jesters get guaranteed path to heaven answers: they use humor. If make peace, you will get to heaven (“eat the fruit of your good deeds” literally. Rashi bring in other text says: can reap benefits of actions in world, and in