Summary Of Scientists Mrsa Germ In Supermarket Meats Reinberg

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In the article, “Scientists MRSA Germ in Supermarket Meats,” by Steven Reinberg. The author talks about MRSA germ and how it was found in meat at supermarkets. It explains how the germ it’s being introduced by human food handlers. It also explains how people that have cuts or sores in their skin can be more likely to get infected. Research found that humans can transfer the bacteria to meat. A study was conducted by Zhang’s team to see which meat was contaminated by MRSA.
From this article I found out that the risk of becoming infected is high if you have open cuts or sores. Cooking kills the bacteria, but consumers have the risk of getting infected by handling the meat that is contaminated by the germ. I also learn that MRSA has always been found in human. The bacteria can be transfer from human to meat or from meat to human. MRSA can be found in the environment and the germ was also found in pigs. …show more content…

According to Joseph Castro a contributor from the website Live Science,” Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, is a strain of staph bacteria that is resistant to the antibiotics normally used to treat such infections” (Castro 2013). Castro explains how in 1940 doctors started treating MRSA with penicillin. After penicillin doctors started using methicillin because penicillin helped the microbes evolve with resistance to penicillin. Then after penicillin methicillin became the new treatment for

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