Are Tyson Foods Really Natural

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Nicholas Bohannon
Ms. Shook
Writing 102
February 4, 2016
Is Natural Really Natural
The United States meat industry has been under fire for decades for some of their practices and their treatment of animals. Tyson Foods is no different. Tyson Foods is one of the world's largest processors and marketers of chicken, beef and pork, as well as prepared foods. One of the problems with Tyson foods and some of the other major food companies is how they label their foods. Tyson packages their boneless skinless chicken breast in a yellow and clear package. On the front of the Tyson's Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast, it says, "All Natural" in big bold white letters. The package did not say anything else on it about how this Tyson product is, "All Natural." …show more content…

The scientist at the FDA closely inspect the meats that are sold throughout the United States for the antibiotic resistant bacteria that could potentially become a disease that affects humans. The scientist have started seeing antibiotic resistant bacteria in a majority of the facilities that house and supply the livestock for major food companies. The information about the types of antibiotics that are fed to livestock has not been disclosed to the FDA. This is a major health concern for the FDA because the same antibiotic resistance bacteria that infects livestock could one day gain a mutation that would allow them to infect humans. The FDA is trying to regulate the use of antibiotics to help prevent this from ever happening …show more content…

The FDA says, "The term natural means that nothing artificial or synthetic (including all color additives regardless of source) has been included in, or has been added to, a food that would not normally be expected to be in that food" (“Natural”). This rule does not address the production of food products or the use of a chemical such as a pesticide and antibiotics. According to the National Chicken Council, "Under USDA regulations, a natural product has no artificial ingredients, coloring ingredients, or chemical preservatives, and is minimally processed, just enough to get it ready to be cooked" (Chickopedia). The National Chicken Council says that most ready to cook chickens could be labeled natural if the manufacturer decided