Summary Of Summer 1990 By Firyal Alshalable

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In the beginning of the novel Summer 1990 by Firyal Alshalabi, Danah Alsaeed is spoiled. First, Danah is spoiled when the article says, "Danah ignored the knocking on her door" ( 6). In this situation, Danah is spoiled because she heard the knocking and just ignored it. It could have been one of her parents and she has to listen to them, but she ignored the knocking, not caring who it could've been. Another example is Danah shows she is spoiled when she says, "Last time I believed you what happened? I spent the whole evening listening to old women talk about how beautiful Amani will look in her wedding gown" (5). In this example, Danah is spoiled because instead of being grateful and happy to go with her mother and sister to a party, she