Summary Of Susan B Anthony On Women's Right To Vote

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Susan B. Anthony, a woman who was arrested for casting an illegal vote in the presidential election of 1872, states in her speech, On Women’s Right to Vote ( 1872 ), that women have and deserve the right to vote just like any male in America. She supports her claim by first telling how she committed no crime but simply exercised her citizen’s right, that is guarantee her. She supports her claim by referring the Constitution, where it says the “ We the people, and not we the white male etc. have the right to vote”. Finally she uses the definition of “citizen” where it states that a person in the United States is entitled to vote and hold office. Anthony’s purpose is to inform America that women do in fact have the right to vote simply because …show more content…

This shows and proves to the audience that she knows first hand at how women are not treated equally. This is evidence for her audience to believe her and it will allow them to have an open mind when listen or reading her speech.
The most important form of ethos she uses is when she states the preamble of the Federal Constitution. After she says the Constitution she gives specific quotes such as it says “ We the People, NOT we the white male citizens”. This is exact proof that America was set up on men and women being equal and able to do and run for the same things. Another part she quotes is when it says “ We, the Whole People”. This leads to her saying that women are counted as whole people because we can’t be half of a person!
Another one that shows good ethos is when she talks about the definition of an American citizen. The exact definition of a citizen in the Webster dictionary is “ to be a person in the United States, entitled to vote and hold office”. This sentence allows her to follow up and say so are women considered people? Of course they are and no one will be able to stand there and say