Summary Of The Butterfly By Pavel Friedmann

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More than 12,000 children under the age of 15 passed through the Terezin Concentration Camp, also known by its German name of Theresienstadt, between the years 1942 and 1944. Out of all the children, more than 90% lost their lives during the time of the Holocaust. Additionally, throughout this time, children would write poetry describing how they would like to be free and their faith in believing they would one day be free again and see the light of the sun. They would also write about the dreadful experiences they suffered through. To add on, the poet’s word choice helps to develop the narrator’s point of view. For example, in the Poem The Butterfly, it says, “Such, such a yellow is carried lightly ‘way up high. It went away I 'm sure because it wished to kiss the world goodbye”(stanza 2). To say it in another way, the poet, Pavel Friedmann, wrote it in a way where the reader, when reading, would feel like he is the main character and he was saying everything in his/her point of view. I interpret this to mean that the author of the poem wanted whoever was reading the poem to get in his (author) shoes and kind of imagine how much sufferment was felt during the Holocaust, while being in a Nazi concentration camp. Moreover, in the poem Homesick, it utters, “That there 's a ghetto here, a place of evil and of fear. There 's little to eat and much to want, where bit by bit, it 's horror to live. But no one must give up! The world turns and times change” (stanza 5). In other