Summary Of The Case Against College By Linda Lee

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The Case Against College by Linda Lee The Case Against College has a unique and interesting premise, exploring the idea that college is not necessary to be successful. In a country “obsessed with college”, American high schoolers often feel as if the next step in their lives has to be either college or failure. Lee, however, disagrees. In her essay, she explores the idea that college is expensive, unnecessary, and can lead to the same results as a path taken without college. Furthermore, she claims that the statistics showing that college graduates receive more money is biased, stating that many higher paying jobs such as doctors, lawyers, and engineers require a college degree. Though her arguments are interesting, there are some gaps in …show more content…

She even states that she would never have believed her own argument when her son was graduating high school. Until her son dropped out, she also believed that college was the right choice for high school graduates. She is clearly biased against colleges, and toward her son. She almost seems to believe that if her son did badly within it, then the institution as a whole must be changed. This bias can be seen in the way Lee twists popular ideas, statistics, and opinions to suit her own argument. Once could argue, in fact, that Lee wrote her essay largely for her own benefit, and to appease her own worries about her son not getting a college degree. Though she references men who have gotten rich after they dropped out of college, such as Bill Gates and Walter Cronkite, Lee declines to mention that they were exceptions to the rule. She implies that anyone who drops out of college has the ability to become famous and wealthy, yet can only herself give two current examples of this occurrence. She phrases her evidence in a compelling way, attempting to appeal to the reader, and sway them to her side, rather than actually convince them with solid