Summary Of The Kalief Browder Story

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Spent 3 years being tortured in jail for a crime he did not commit, almost sentenced to life in jail for a murder he had no part in, these are just two examples, coming from 12 Angry Men and the Kalief Browder Story, and everyday stories like these happen, all due to biases. It is so common that people don’t even notice them, most are considered normal. People come to assume certain things from groups of people. It’s not a big deal when people hear someone from a rough area committed a certain crime, people expect that, but when someone from a nice area does the same thing that’s when people make a big deal out of it and don’t believe it. Biases have always been and will always be the cause of false justification in the world.
In 12 Angry …show more content…

The Kalief Browder Story is a true story based on a kid named Kalief who was arrested due to the fact he was a suspect in the robbery of someone's backpack. Kalief was held at Rikers Island, one of the toughest jails in the country, for 3 years on a crime he may have not committed. Well at Rickers he was tortured by everyone there, but he stayed strong to prove he wasn’t guilty. In the story the man who said Kalief robbed him was robbed by two black people late at night, he could not really identify who they were. But because of this accident he held a bias towards all black kids, this leading up to him seeing two young black males walking down the street, he sees this and assumes it must be the kids who robbed him. Because of this man who was robbed holding a bias towards all young black males, Kalief had to spend what could have been the best years of his life behind bars. Additionally throughout the story the court pushed countless plea deals on Kalief trying to get him to say he did it, they did that to so many others thinking they are weak and will say they did it just to be free. Not only did jail take his childhood, it ruined his life. Kalief was never the same after jail, until ultimately he commited suicide. In the Kalief Browder Story the role of bias in society is the most important theme throughout the story, and because of this bias a young man