Summary Of Their Eyes Were Watching God By Zora Neale Hurston

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Every girls dream is to find the perfect guy, and eventually have a long loving relationship with them. In the book Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston she talks about Janie, the main character, and Janie's quest to find the perfect guy. Janie was infatuated with the idea of finding the perfect guy and perfect love, which caused her to have many marriages in order to find that “perfect guy.” Throughout each marriage she learns something new about herself, and more importantly about love. Janie's unsuccessful marriages with multiple guys, reveals that there is no such thing as “perfect” love. At a young age Janie was always interested in the idea of love. Janie had different motivations as to why she wanted …show more content…

He was able to give her the attention that Logan never did, he even complimented her. In other words, Joe was the “apple to her eye,” which you can till because she didn't hesitate to leave Logan after knowing this guy for a short period of time. Janie left Logan because she believed that Joe is more charming than he is. Janie's main reason as to why she left Logan is because Joe had more ambition and the way he would talk about his plans for the future made Janie believe he's the perfect guy for her. He sounded like he had everything together and that he will be able to financially support her. After being with Joe she realizes that this marriage lacks a good partnership. Joe was able to control Janie and all those great qualities she saw In the beginning of the marriage vanished. He was no longer giving her the attention she wanted and stopped complimenting her. Joe was even abusive towards her, which she could do nothing about. Janie began to feel miserable, as well as trapped because she wanted to leave, but had no where to go. “ah'm stone dead from stadnin' still and tryin' tuh smile” (pg. 83). Janie wasn't happy in her marriage with Joe therefore she must pretend to be happy. Janie learns that money can't replace an emotional connection in a relationship. Janie learns that communication absolutely necessary in a relationship, as well as equality. Without that the relationship is doomed. After Joe's death, Janie was done with relationships because she now enjoys the freedom she has. She starts to believe that love doesn't exist, until Tea cake came into her