Summary Of Untamed On Making Friends With Animals By David Sedaris

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In the article, Untamed: On Making Friends with Animals, written by David Sedaris, claims that pets with their diets and owners care for them is just nonsense and a nuisance. Sedaris notes that his siblings own pets, of which he does not wish to have one for the fact of knowing what the pets of his siblings do. The author claims that his brother “has to change his doormat” knowing “that’s how much his savages drag home.” (Paragraph One). After his brother, Sedaris mentions that his sister is “returning home from work to find a chipmunk on her sofa, its head chewed to paste, or a bird that’s not quite dead flapping the stump that used to be a wing” (Paragraph One). With having the fact of pets will just cause a bit of chaos and a mess, for there