Summary Of We The Living By Ayn Rand

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Ayn Rand's writing skills were unbelievable. The was she wrote really portrayed what she was thinking. Rand taught herself how to read a the age of 6. Then later at the age of 9 taught herself how to write. She was born in February 2, 1905 and died on March 16, 1982. She was a Russian novelist and went to the university of Petrograd to study history and Philosophy. Her writing styles were different then other philosophers. She a very unemotional, non-fictional, and yet, a still powerful tone. Her writings were those that some might find in bibles , because they were very meaningful.
Rand wrote the book “We the Living” which takes place in 1922 through 1925. Which during this time was when Russia's formation of the Soviet union of Socialist Republics. This book was her first statement against communism. She finished writing the book in 1934 but was unable to publish it because it went against communism, and most publishing companies didn’t want to become a part of that. Until Macmillan Publishing accepted her book and published it in 1936. Her intentions behind this book were to she people all the wrongs thing that we're going on in their times. One of the biggest themes of this book is life under communism. Rand thinks that American are to self opposed to even see the problem that are happening overseas. In Russia at the time people …show more content…

In her writings metaphysics is about reality. Metaphysics is a section of philosophy that works with substance, space, time and identity. The basic things that most know of the top of their head. Metaphysics is essentially all the things that are going to remain unaffected. Rand perceived reality as an object. She believed reality was impervious to anything we ever wanted. No matter how hard you want to change reality it will never changes. You are forever going to be unable to change reality. Reality outlines the way we choose learn, understand our rights, and the way we notice our

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