Summary Of What Happened To Charles Jr: The Case That Never Closes

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What Happened to Charles Jr: The Case that Never Closes
Rachel Knight
Kaplan University
October 26, 2017

What Happened to Charles Jr: The Case that Never Closes
On March 1, 1932 the 20-month-old Charles Jr. was abducted from his nursery widow, taken from his crib never to be seen again. This case of Charles Lindbergh Jr. has been a topic of reacquisition for decades since his death and the sentencing and death of the man found guilty of Charles Jr’s murder. There could be more evidence out there dismissed as a hoax. Because of the time period the American criminal justice system has seen exponential growth in our police, courts and correctional agencies.
The police investigated the kidnapping and gathered evidence at the crime scene. According to our text book, a police officer’s job is to protect the public’s safety and investigate and …show more content…

This is where the defendant enters a plea (guilty, not guilty or no contest) (Schmalleger, 2015). In this case the defendant plead not guilty until his sentence was carried out and he was electrocuted. It is stated in our text book that, adjudication, or trial by jury, is where it states in the U.S Constitution in the 6th amendment where every criminal offender has the right to a trial by a jury (Schmalleger, 2015). In this case the defendant had a jury trial that lasted five weeks and they found him guilty of the murder of Charles Jr. According to our digital text book, sentencing happens once an offender had been convicted of a crime, the authority of a judge to enforce punishment on the offender happens at this time and a sentence may take many forms upon a judge’s decision (Schmalleger, 2015). In this case the defendant’s sentence was death by