
Summary Of Why The Camels Join The Army Carol D Greathouse

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Crayton Nash In April 1856, 34 camels were about to step foot on American soil to help the U.S military with many physical tasks. So therefore Carol D. Greathouse wrote in her article camels join the army Carol D. Greathouse talks about the newly formed camel corp that belonged to the US War department. So based on the information that we can gather from this article the U.S War Department should not rebuild their camel corp. Carol D. Greathouse provides two opposite points on whether or not that the U.S war department should rebuild the camel corp.But in paragraphs 2,6,8 she supports the yes side to the argument. In paragraph 2 (Jefferson Davis) says,” The camels could carry supplies to remote army outposts,”. Furthermore, in paragraph 6 it says,” The camels were called to carry supplies for the U.S war department expedition and the animals proved their worth.” Finally in paragraph 8 she says,” Confederate soldiers used the camels to haul cotton to Mexico and salt all over Texas,” So in …show more content…

Greathouses article Camels Join the Army! She provides many reasons why camels did not work well in the U.S military. Like in paragraph 4 it says,’ The journey was not easy and many problems occurred. Army men were familiar with horses and mules but not camels.” Secondly in paragraph 5 she wrote,”Packing supplies around the camels hump and in the middle of a camels saddle frustrated the men,”.She yet provides more evidence supporting the no side of the argument by saying,” Five years after the camels arrived in the US, the Civil War divided the country,” in paragraph 7. She also writes in paragraph 9,” The soldiers paid little attention to the camels,” and then finally in paragraph 10 she says,” Over the years settlers and miners claimed to see wild camels wandering around the American Southwest.” So we can conclude that camels caused more trouble and were harder to work with than horses and mules so therefore the camels are not

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